Sunday, November 1, 2009

Of Roman Polański and Justice!!

"I had rather be a dog and bay the moon than such a Roman"- William Shakespeare (Julius Caesar)

If Shakespeare were alive, perhaps even he could not have imagined the quote's relevance today. Roman Rajmund Polański an escaped felon, a brilliant film director, a paedophile and a man completely and utterly hopeless lends certain credence to the quote today!!

My friend David Ben Hame sent me a link to a petition which asks for boycotting all supporting Roman Rajmund Polański. I am sure the one's supporting Roman would have their reasons but I do not think they will hold any water for any sensible person.

You could access and sign the petition at;

The latest News says that the victim Samantha Geimer wants to let go of Roman now as the media pressure has become incredibly high for her to handle.

My point is not whether Roman gets convicted or not, I'm thinking, what is stopping him for owning up and atoning for the crime that he has committed and publically accepted. What good is a life which is led, with guilt hanging like the sword of Damocles?! For you can delay this doom…but you cannot avoid it Mr. Polanski!


  1. Hi Sumit,
    Great to see you blogging and liked the KISS-attitude of the post.
    Completely agree with you voew. Polanski should own up, repent and be done with it.
    Anita Lobo

  2. Hi Anita,Thanks for your encouragement!
